Relationship Prediction Refinement Project

Predicted relationships between matches can be an important clue when verifying trees, working on brick walls, or searching for family.

Differences in the algorithms and chips affect both the amount of shared DNA reported and the predicted relationship - making research harder.

We’re asking for your help. Using the data you submit, we will help the genetic genealogy community understand these impacts and update our Relationship Estimator (web-based soon!) and Prediction Charts.

PRIVACY: None of the individual data submitted will be made public.

They will be handled in accordance with our Privacy Policy

To participate, you will need to know:

1) The company and chip you tested on (see below for how to determine the chip)

2) Total Shared CM, # of Segments, and Longest Segment (longest segment does not appy for AncestryDNA)

3) The actual relationship

We would like the following but you can still participate if you don't know

1) The company's predicted relationship or predicted relationship range

2) Paternal or maternal side

3) Is there endogomy?

4) Are the testers' parents or the match's parents 4th cousins or closer?

Submit multiple entries at once - Go to the Bottom


Please only report on matches where the MRCA and relationship has been confirmed.

For ancestryDNA users

Please do NOT report "Shared DNA Hints" without the research and confirmation of the Most Recent Common Ancstor (MRCA)s and actual relationship.

The link to this article on Kitty Cooper's Blog explains why this is important.

Click on a Company Name Below to Get Started

Need help determining which chip you or your match have

We've provided the list below to help you - or you can use GEDmatch to figure it out (see instructions in next section)


If you received your results before June 2016 you are a V1

If you received your results on or after June 2016 you are a V2

v1: January 2012 until mid May 2016 (OmniExpress Chip)

v2: Late May, 2016 to present (OmniExpress Chip)


If you received your results before November 2013 you are a V1/V2/V3,

if you received your results between Nov 2013 and July 2017 you are a V4 ,

if you received your results on or after Aug 2017, you are a V5

v1: November 2007 (OmniExpress Chip)

v2: September 2008 (OmniExpress Chip)

v3: November 2010 (OmniExpress Chip)

v4: November 2013 (OmniExpress Chip)

v5 August 2017 to present (Global Screening Array Chip)


Everyone is currently a V1 including transfer kits

v1: February 2010 to present (OmniExpress Chip)

v2: COMING SOON - possibly in Jan 2018 (Global Screening Array Chip)


Everyone is currently a V1 including transfer kits

v1: 2017 to present (OmniExpress Chip)

LivingDNA: (Coming Soon!)

v1: 2015 to Oct 2018 (Global Screening Array Orion Chip) and Transfers

v2: Oct 2018 to present (Affymatrix Sirius Chip)

They will be providing matches soon - until then transfer to GEDmatch Genesis and provide us your info.

v1: (Global Screening Array Orion Chip)

v2: (Affymatrix Sirius Chip)


Use GEDmatch to Determine Chip Version for you or your match


Select "DNA file diagnostic utility"

Enter Kit Number

V1: ~680,000 SNPs

V2: ~480,000 SNPs


Select One-to-Many

Search for the "M" Kit Number - the "type" is the chip version


Select "DNA file diagnostic utility"

Enter Kit Number

V1 & V2: ~555K SNPs.

V3: >900K SNPs.

V4: ~570K SNPs.

V5 ~640K SNPs (Global Screening Array)


Transfers should list the original company and chip

MyHeritage = V1

Transfers should list the original company and chip

Submit Questions to


You can submit multiple entries in a single DNAGedcom Client file or similar excel, csv or similar file

Please send an email with the attached file to:

Instructions to configure the DGC files can be found at the bottom

Here is an example of a modified ancestryDNA m_ file (match file) that was downloaded by the DNAGEDCOM client

Detailed Instructions by company can be found below. Assumes you have downloaded match files using the DNAGedcom Client (DGC).

If you want to fill out a form on your computer vice submitting via our survey, we have provided a pre-formated form. Just downloaded it by by clicking in the form

Multipe Match Submission Template.xlsx

Pre Formated Form

Preparing DGC FTDNA File for Submission.pdf

FTDNA Family Finder File

Download and use this these instructions to configure a DGC Family Finder file for submission

Preparing GEDmatch File for Submission.pdf

GEDMatch One-To-Many File

Download and use these instructions to generate and configure a GEDMatch file for submission

Preparing DGC 23andMe File for Submission.pdf

23andMe Matches File

Download and use these instructions to configure a DGC 23andMe matches file for submission

Preparing DGC Ancestry File for Submission.pdf

AncestryDNA m_ File

Download and use these instructions to configure a DGC AncestryDNA m_ file for submission

An m_ file is the "matches" file